This site

On this site I share my thoughts, experience, and predictions related to Software Craftsmanship.

Marcin Kliks

Passionate programmer since Commodore 64.

I believe in the open source, tasty software without compromises, and simplicity.

I am the Lead Programmer of Ralph DCIM/CMDB software and couple of other Open Source projects. I love Python programming language, and Swift.

Media / Publications

  • 09/2019 Swifty Microservices in production -

  • 09/2019 Mikrousługi w Swift na serwerzeługi-w-swifcie-na-serwerze-/2226305050987804/

  • 07/2016 DevOps Poznań #CI/CD - Deploying Python applications

  • 02/2016 - FOSDEM 2016 - Ralph - DCIM Asset Management System

  • 11.2014 PyWaw #42 Droga do lepszego oprogramowania(PL) / The road towards better software

  • 11.2014 Pyra #14 - Ralph, Tipboard, and other Open Source projects
  • 03.2014 “Understanding the user” - UX experience
  • 02.2014 Pyra #7 Keynote Ralph, Selena and open source projects @ Allegro
  • Przemysław Wysota says a lot about CMDB module for Ralph on his website